musings from a lost beachgirl

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I know I'm going to regret this...

I know I am going to regret saying this but I am so freakin bored... I am in a huge lull right now at work and it makes the day drag out like taking a band aid off slowly (instead of ripping it off all at once)... and no sooner did I write that last statement when the jackass attorney I work with presents me with 4 new cases he's been sitting on for a week! He's such a freakin micro-manager and here's the kicker, I don't even work for him! He and I work for the same person, the big dog attorney (who by the way, I love, she is the best boss I have ever had), but he thinks I work for him... Delusional!!

I guess I better get off this blog and actually get back to work, now that I am no longer in a lull...

I hope everyone else is having a great day!


Blogger Dan said...

Ditto. Though I don't know when my lull will end... I'm running out of things to keep me occupied!

2:34 PM  
Blogger Washington Cube said...

Go get something waxed. You'll be in too much pain to be bored. ;)

2:58 PM  
Blogger Neal said...

I hate lulls. It seems like they go on forever. Just when you start to find a way to enjoy the free time, you get slammed again.

9:38 PM  
Blogger jpasalakis said...

I'm in a lull but after surviving tax season I'm loving it. I'm getting caught up on your website, Ray-Ray's and all the other trashy websites I love. I'm even doing a myspace so check it out at I've found a couple of my ole high school friends. How do I get suckered into all of these things!!

7:56 AM  
Blogger Rolligun said...

Don't like "lulls" one bit. Sorry to hear that, especially since the unsolicited remedy is someone else's work. Ok, so that problem is going to better any quicker, but the world still turns.

What would happen if you told that guy you were to busy with work from "the boss" and as sorry as you are, you just can't help?

8:49 AM  
Blogger Clearlykels said...

Lulls really make the day go by so slowly. I had an intership where every day was like that. I really did not like it. I need to be busy and doing a zillion things at once. It makes me feel useful.

9:01 AM  
Blogger beachgirl said...

Dan- Just keep stopping by and surfing for other blogs, that's what I do.. Good times!!

Cube- Girl, you just aren't right! But honestly, I do have to get my eyebrows done, it's getting bad!!

neal- The free time was moving past enjoyment and getting to be more like a prison term.. I would much rather be slammed at work than having nothing to do..

jen- TRASH!! I've thought about doing a myspace site but I'm not sure I really want people to find me, hahahaha.. love you, we need to get working on my trip out there this summer!!

rolli- hey sweet boy! welcome back.. It's really not worth the fight.. I will just do it and get all the credit!!

kels- we must have had the same internship..but I made mine fun by socializing the whole time!!

12:10 PM  
Blogger ThursdayNext said...

Lulls at work are a Catch-22. Its when I give exams. It gives me a break in one sense, but the day draaaaaags on as a result. (sigh)

7:23 PM  

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