musings from a lost beachgirl

Saturday, December 24, 2005

"I dropped my basket"

That's one of my favorite lines from the Ya-Ya Sisterhood...It was the main character's way of describing her complete mental breakdown to her soon to be son-in-law... A complete mentla breakdown that almost resulted in her killing her children then running away from home.. Well, that kind of explains what happened to me yesterday... I dropped my basket.. but I did not attempt to kill any children nor did I run away from home..

I am now at my mom's house enjoying time with family. I've already eaten 3 plates of food (they were small plates!) and I'm about to take a nap.. The Colts Game comes on in a minute so I will probably lie down and fall asleep...Ahhhhh sounds so nice...

I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!! I feel so blessed to have you all in my life..

And if anyone wants to get me that last minute Christmas gift, try page 25 of the Tiffany's Holiday Catalog... the ring or earings would be fab!! Hugs and kisses all!!


Blogger Eunuch said...

How precocious of you to post exactly what you want, don't you think? Bit of a problem were not specific enough, I mean, not dropping your ring're slacking off!

4:57 PM  
Blogger beachgirl said...

How silly of me!! But don't let that stop you... earings don't come in sizes... now who's slacking off...

hugs and kisses!!

5:01 PM  
Blogger Rolligun said...

Could I get you something from page 25 of "Feild and Stream"

I'm not really a "hunter and gatherer" but I hear they have some nice stuff.

What do you think?

4:27 AM  
Blogger beachgirl said...

RG- ask Eunuch how I feel about camping, the great outdoors and all that stuff...
Whereas Field and Stream is a lovely magazine, and I would surely appreciate a gift from you... I gotta stick to my guns, Tiffany's it is and Tiffany's it always will be...

You are too sweet!!! Merry Christmas!

6:41 AM  
Blogger Barry S. said...

Now, about thew Tiffany's catalog...I actually looked at that last night, and I didn't know if you were referring to the 13.79ct ring, or the 9ct ring?
Since I didn't know, I figured it'd be best to wait until I heard from you.

Hope you had a Merry Christmas!

8:09 AM  
Blogger beachgirl said...

barry- shuug, everyone knows that anything over 10 carats is just tacky... the 9 carat will be just fine, just make sure it's platinum or white gold....

Happy holidays to you as well!! When do I get a copy of the book!!??

8:43 AM  
Blogger Rolligun said...

You do what you want Barry, you just better leave the fising pole to ME.

1:05 PM  
Blogger Chairborne Stranger said...

BG-you are coming along nicely-look at all these men after you!

4:44 PM  
Blogger beachgirl said...

Oh my! I feel like Scarlett O'Hara at the Wilkes BBQ surrounded by such handsome suitors!!! I can just hear Mammy hollerin not to show my bosom in the daylight hours b/c it's simply not appropriate...

How y'all do flatter me!!!

8:46 PM  
Blogger Barry S. said...

beachgirl - Platinum it is!!

I just finished reviewing the book proofs and they look great. Now, everything goes to the cover art department. So, approximately 6-8 weeks from now, my book should be available to purchase. I will most definately let you know, so you can get an autographed copy. Sounds good??

rolligun - Do you want a 9ct, platinum fishing pole?
These Christmas presents are getting expensive!

9:03 AM  
Blogger meghansdiscontent said...

What a damn sausage fest.

Here's hoping it continues over the weekend . . . only not in virtual world.

Umm, can you say EXCITED???

10:11 AM  
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7:48 AM  
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3:47 PM  

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