musings from a lost beachgirl

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Breakfast at Tiffany's

One of my favorite movies of all time...and as Holly Golightly said "I'm crazy about Tiffany's" for me, that cannot be a more true statement... I Love Tiffany's and everything from Tiffany's... I have actaully been to the Tiffany's on 5th Avenue in New York.. It was a magical experience, my mother bought me my first piece of Tiffany's jewlery while we were there, a pair of silver starfish earrings...Quite appropriate, don't you think?? Kind of goes along with the whole "Beachgirl" theme...

Now Nashville has it's own Tiffany's store in Green Hills Mall.. at first I was really excited to have the store here...They had an invitation only opening last Monday, I assume my invitation was lost in the mail...A woman was interviewed outside the store, apparently she was one of the invited guests (I'm thinking she stole my invitation).. When the reporter asked her why she thought everyone loved Tiffany's as they do, she spewed out this comment in a trashy country accent (I mean we're talking East Tennessee, straight out of the trailer park, white trash accent), "Well I guess everyone just loves that aqua box!!".... Aqua Box??!!! Excuse me?? It is NOT aqua, it is its OWN color, called TIFFANY BLUE (or simply the little blue box with the little white bow)... See that's what you get with new money, no class..... It made me want to vomit, and I hoped no one from the Tiffany's Company was watching for fear they may close the doors of our new Nashville store immediately...

So Kari and I popped into the Tiffany's Saturday. It was very beautiful, there was a guard at the door, it was like a magical moment just walking through the doors... But then the magic died as we tried to dodge the strollers filled with screaming children, and people oohing and ahhing over "that purty ring" and asking how much it was...I wanted to say, honey, if you have to ask, you can't afford it.. I know, I wasn't being very Christian like, and I will pray about it... but come on!!! It's TIFFANY'S!!!

I mean it was beautiful, and I even tried on a couple of bobbles..but it was just different. When I expressed my concern to Kari, she hit the nail on the head... She said it was kind of like the lottery..We did not have one in Tennessee for a number of years, but all of our neighboring states had them... so anytime you would travel to Georgia, Kentucky or Virginia, it would be a big deal to get a lottery ticket.. But when the lottery finally came to Tennessee, it just wasn't as fun...

So now that we have our own Tiffany's, some of the magic is gone..Not all of the magic, but some of it... However,I will NEVER refuse a little blue box, with a little white bow...

Much love y'all!!!



Blogger Our Crazy Life said...

Girl, I thought of you when we were in Chicago last weekend...we went to the Tiffany's on Michigan Ave. and I know how much you love the Tiff! I tried on a necklace and a bracelet and as I was trying to decide which one to get Jason said to the lady, "We'll take them both." Is he great or what?

Anyway, I haven't been to the new one yet but I can't wait to check it out.

10:22 AM  
Blogger Clearlykels said...

There is something so great about that store. I got my sister's highschool graduation present there and have been there with my brother to pick something out for a girlfriend. I still do not have my own Tiffany blue box. I think it might have something to do with my love for this cute jewelery store near where I like. I have accrued lots of their boxes.

10:36 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

It's kind of appropriate isn't? Didn't Miss Holly leave her husband Buddy Ebsen in Tennessee? That's probably how she talked before she made herself over.

12:49 PM  
Blogger beachgirl said...

Ray- Yes, Tiff and I go way back!! Yeah, Scar is a great guy!! We should meet for lunch or something and stop by the new store...

kels-we've got to get you a little blue box and something divine to go in it!

kate- touche.... Poor Doc... left by Lula May... Moon river....oh I just love that movie!!

11:15 AM  
Blogger Eunuch said...

You and that color!!!! :-)

2:29 PM  
Blogger Jake McCafferty said...

"I've got to do something about the way I look. I mean a girl just can't go to Sing Sing with a green face."

8:58 AM  

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