musings from a lost beachgirl

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

A little more pudge please...

There was a great story on the Today Show this morning. It was all about how more women are attracted to men with a little more meat on their bones, or what I like to call "a little more pudge".... The story began with a report of the death of the dreaded Metro Sexual... So long Jude Law, and those like you! I for one was never attracted to the metro sexuals.. I simply do not want to date a guy that is prettier than me or uses more hair products than me...

I mean I like a guy that knows "sort of" how to dress, but absolutely hates to shop... Take my friend RG for example, he knows how to dress and knows of important designers (especially Ralph Lauren), but he still makes fashion mistakes... I remember one time when a group of us got together, he wore a pair of carpenter jeans, they were heinous and did NOTHING for him... I told him if he ever had hope for finding a decent girl, he should go home and burn those jeans... I wasn't ugly about it, and I think he appreciated my honesty... I think...

I also like a guy that can take direction... I will use RG as an example again. I was at his place for his birthday last year, for some reason, he wanted to show me his closet... WAIT!! I KNOW, I was thinking the same thing.... was this his attempt to get me into his room and make some sort of grand daytime soap opera move on me??! I'll tell you, at that point, I was really hoping for it, but to no avail, he really just wanted me to see his closet... and NO HE'S NOT GAY!!!

So we are in the closet (Jake, don't even go there!!) and it's immaculate... I mean for heaven's sake he's in the military and everything had it's place...I mean, I wanted to pay him to come organize my closet.... so I was going through his wardrobe, it was pretty good. LOTS of Ralph Lauren..Nice, very nice... My birthday party was the following week, so he pulled out the shirt he thought he would wear, I told him it was nice but I preferred that he wear another one.... and you know what?? He did... He can follow direction... that's a good man.... but he's not a wimp...

There's a fine line between a man that can follow direction (but still be strong) and one that is just a door mat.. The door mat guy is usually the one that only knows how to say "yes dear"... That's NOT the kind of guy I want.....

I like guys like Vince Vaughn, and Will Ferrell. A guy that is cute and FUNNY!! But of course guys like Matthew McConaughey, and Josh Lucas could eat cookies in my bed ANYTIME... HOORAY!! The REAL men are back!! So long you sissy metro sexuals!!!

I for one am putting my faith in God that he will lead me to the man He has in mind for me... and NO, I don't expect God to deliver him to my door (however that would be great!!)... But through good works and activities, I believe I will find him, better yet, he will find me...

Much love y'all!!



Blogger Clearlykels said...

Oh honey, I know. I love hanging out with the metro boys. Lord knows, that one of my best (straight) guy friends has been known to iron his jeans. He has a date tonight and came up to me yesterday and asked if it would be best to make reservations at a particular restaurant or chance a walk-in. He takes forever to get ready and is so much fun, however, I have to agree when we are talking about eating cookies in bed I like a sturdy guy who tries, but does not dress better than I do, have more products and all of that. I mean, I have to be able to bring something to the table other than just charm and some ridiculousness;-) xoxoxo

7:57 AM  
Blogger CozyMama said...

great post, where have you been - you do not come by anymore. I am so sad. HA!!!!

8:13 AM  
Blogger ThursdayNext said...

Even as a New Yawker, I am not into the Metrosexual Male. I am so glad he is passe.

As for Vince Vaughn, he is totally the best kind of guy. As my friend Cassie put it, Jen is better off. You can't put your hair in a ponytail, order pizza, and watch a movie with Brad Pitt...but you can sure do that with Vince. Vince is the better choice, I say! :)

8:51 PM  
Blogger Jake McCafferty said...

I think we all know why that closet is so clean. It gets very crowded with all those people crammed into it.

Hey, I didn't go there! I just circled on the expressway.

1:53 PM  
Blogger beachgirl said...

Kels- I know guys like that and they are nothing but high drama!!!
Your charm and your ridiculousness is what makes you so irresistable!!

jodes- I know! I'm horrible..things have been quite busy around here, lots of exciting stuff..stay tuned...

TN- hey girl!! This is why we are such good friends, great minds think alike!!

Jake- keep on circling honey!! You know I love ya more than my luggage!!

2:38 PM  
Blogger Rolligun said...

Well I'm happy about this to then. Whatever BG wants.

Actually, I didn't know Metro went out of style, but I wish it hadn't. Now I have to look more criticaly at people in general to make up for the loss in laughs.

3:17 PM  
Blogger beachgirl said...

rolli honey, I am just pleased as punch that you are home and still cracking on me!!!
Much love to you!!

7:16 AM  

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