musings from a lost beachgirl

Monday, August 21, 2006

Totally Random Thoughts

Ok, so I can't put together a coherent post so I just thought I would post some random thoughts...

1. I may be changing careers, but won't know more until tomorrow... (Prayers please, that I am able to accept God's will)..If I change careers I may not have a lot of time for blogging, not like I do now... So I think it will come down to, if you want to keep in touch, you may just have to email me... But I don't know yet, let's just wait and see..

2. I hate it when my best friend is in pain, I just want to take it from her... I have seen her cry more in the past week than I have seen her cry in the almost 10 years we have known each other... It breaks my heart and I just pray things get better for her..

3. Chairborne Stranger, Rolligun and Eunuch are home!! My good friend RG is expected home the first week in September, please keep him and the rest of the guys in your prayers... I ask especially that you continue to pray for the guys that are home... sometimes adjusting back to civilian life can be, well, not the easiest thing in the world...

4. It is overcast and yucky here today, a perfect day for curling up with a good Audrey Hepburn movie while sipping on some hot chocolate..then taking a long cat nap...

5. Why is 40 below in my office??!! I mean it is 90 some odd degrees outside and it's like the frozen tundra in here... I keep a sweater, socks, and a blanket at my desk just so I can make it through the's not right I tell ya! Just not right...

6. I think my mom is great... my sister and I dump a lot of crap on her...I just hope she knows how much we love her and appreciate her...

7. I have lots of furry things on my desk, furry pens, a furry lamp, a pink boa...hey, if I am going to work in the frozen tundra, I am going to surround myself with fun furry things!!

That's about it...things are actually pretty ok with me right now... Thank the good Lord above...

Much love to you all!!



Blogger Our Crazy Life said...

Your blog always makes me just write whatever you're thinking. It's like I can hear you talking thru the computer. I love that.

2:05 PM  
Blogger beachgirl said...

Your blog is the same way... How is it that I am so excited about Carter's potty counter!! Hysterical!!

2:52 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

I'm glad to read #6. Now I don't feel bad about my pink boa, Tinkerbell light-up pen.

4:34 PM  
Blogger CozyMama said...

career change....ooh!! tell us more.

7:14 AM  
Blogger Clearlykels said...

Oh, gosh, it is always so tough when people close to us are sad. I'll keep you both in my prayers. I know that I would rather be upset than see any of my family or friends that way. Furry stuff, eh? I have nothing on my desk. I have a few pictures on my computer return. I definitely need some more things... maybe I'll look into a cute pen... more pictures. I don't know. Something. xoxox

7:17 AM  
Blogger beachgirl said...

Kate- did you say Tinkerbell light up pen?? I'm jealous!!

jodes- I'll tell you all about it when I know more... should be today though

kels- thanks so much, I know she would appreciate your prayer for strength.... You need furry things!! make your desk space uniquely you!!

10:05 AM  
Blogger Rolligun said...

I'll hope for good news on the job front, and I trust your path either way.

8:43 PM  
Blogger beachgirl said...

Thanks rolli... you are so sweet..Eh-hem..I mean, big strong and macho... but I love ya anyway!!

9:39 AM  

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