musings from a lost beachgirl

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I just can't believe it!!

First, Brittany and k-fed, then Reese and Ryan, now Pam and Kid Rock!!! I just don't know if I will be able to go on!! I mean of all of those couples, I really thought Pam and Kid rock would last, I mean they had 3 weddings!! How sad!!

Ok, so at times I can be a bit dramatic..but really, are we shocked that these marriages didn't last? Or are we to the point that we don't even really care? I'm almost there, to the point where I just roll my eyes and so oh well... It's not going to effect my life either way..

So the holidays are upon us and I am getting pretty excited. I'm not nearly as stressed out as I was last year. I am feeling a bit melancholy though. I just remember last year when I was buying fun stuff for the Christmas care packages I sent overseas to RG, Eunuch, and Chairborne. Out of those 3 I am still friends with eunuch, which I am thankful for. But I am not friends with RG any longer and I guess I thought I was friends with Chairborne but clearly we were not... I still wish them both the best but I had really high hopes for our friendships.. Oh well, moving on.. I am going to enjoy the holiday this year!!

I have a lunch date tomorrow with an old friend from college tomorrow.. I am kind of excited about it, he's a really nice guy and I am looking forward to catching up with him... oh and I have a date for our Junior League Gala friday night, I think that might be a friend thing but I'm not sure yet, we'll see...

Things are going well, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!

Much love,


Blogger Jake McCafferty said...

So do Kid and Pamela have to get three divorces, too?

Question: Why do Junior Leaguers hate group sex?

Answer: All those thank-you notes.

(I know you've probably heard that before ... and probably from me. Just glad to know you are posting again.)

7:25 PM  
Blogger beachgirl said...

Jake, I have had heard that one before but I still think it's funny... Hope all is well with you..

That couple is nothing but DRAMA!!

8:47 AM  
Blogger jpasalakis said...

Hey girl! I'd almost given up on you for updating this site. Glad to hear that things are still going well with you.

Molly Kate loves her sunglasses!

5:06 PM  

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