musings from a lost beachgirl

Friday, January 20, 2006

Not another one...

Ok- so I am coming out of my self-imposed break for a short time to post this story and ask for your prayers.

MELVILLE, W.Va. — Heavy smoke slowed the progress of five rescue teams Friday as they trekked more than 10,000 feet inside a West Virginia mine in search of two miners who have been missing for more than 16 hours.
The two miners didn't make it out of the mine after a conveyer belt caught fire. Nineteen other miners had reached the surface safely, state officials said.

Gov. Joe Manchin was at the mine Friday morning, and miners' families gathered at the nearby Brightstar Freewill Baptist Church to wait for news.
"It's just unbelievable to the families. They're strong … they're hanging right in there. Their prayers and hopes are very high and we hope to have some good news for them," Manchin said of the families.
"Our little state's been through a lot of tragedy in a short period of time but if you know West Virginia families, we're strong and we're going to get through this," he said later during the morning press conference.
Asked how the families are holding up, Manchin said: "These are mining families who understand what we're dealing with and they're very prayerful and they're very strong."

This breaks my heart and I hope that these men are rescued. I pray that God gives the families of these men the peace that only He can give... As all eyes focus back on this little state I hope this situation has a happier ending than the last.


Blogger Modern Day Stonewall said...

Dark as a Dungeon --Johnny Cash

Oh come all you young fellers
So young and so fine
Seek not your fortune
In a dark dreary mine

It'll form as a habit
And seep in your soul
Till the stream of your blood
Runs as black as the coal

Where it's dark as a dungeon
Damp as the dew
Danger is double
Pleasures are few
Where the rain never falls
The sun never shines
It's a dark as a dungeon
Way down in the mine

And pray when I'm dead
And my ages shall roll
That my body would blacken
And turn into coal
Then I'll look from the door
Of my heavenly home
And pity the miner
Digging my bones.

Where it's dark as a dungeon
Damp as the dew
Danger is double
Pleasures are few
Where the rain never falls
The sun never shines
It's a dark as a dungeon
Way down in the mine

12:14 PM  
Blogger beachgirl said...

Thanks for stopping by stonewall...

12:31 PM  
Blogger beachgirl said...

Of course Yoss... I just can't believe that there is another accident!! I am not familiar with the coal mining idustry, but I cannot beleive it is not safer in this day and age...

Stonewall LOVES Johnny Cash....he's a pretty smart young whipper snapper..

1:04 PM  

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