You would think he'd get the hint....
Ok, as some of you know, I was dating a fella for a few weeks. At first I was blinded by his good looks, I should have known someone that handsome would not have the sense God gave a brick, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Not one of the bigger mistakes I've ever made but a mistake nonetheless. So as I might have mentioned on other blogs, Valentine's Day was a complete nightmare. At first I was really excited, I've never, NEVER been a relationship on Valentine's Day but as the day grew closer I new that my fella was going to let me down and I was right... He had made no plans whatsoever, had not even gotten me a card. So I took matters into my own hands and made plans for Valentine's Day, I spent it with the girls having mexican and margaritas... We had a great time by the way!
So he calls me Valentine's Day at 1:00, I sent him to voice mail, at this point I was fed up with his stupid excuses and he had already had to say "I'm sorry" one too many times, I was fed up. So he calls me back around 5, I answer this time. He tells me, Happy Valentine's Day, I say, back at ya... He asks me what I'm doing, I tell him I'm about to go out with the girls since I hadn't received any other invitations... again I hear the famous "I'm sorry", I'm like whatever. So we talk for another minute and I begin to feel sorry for him.... why?? but I tell him I will call him after I leave dinner with the girls. So I call him after dinner and I ask him to meet me for a drink at a little place near my house... He says ok.. so I decide to stop by my house before I have to meet him and that's when I saw the flowers... I run inside like a mad woman praying they are not from the new fella b/c I was pretty sure I was going to dump him anyway... The flowers were actually from a wonderful guy friend who knows how much I hate Valentine's Day...He's with the 101st Airborne currently deployed in Iraq. I immediately start crying, for a number reasons, first b/c I miss him terribly, second it was the first time I had EVER gotten flowers on Valentine's Day... Then I realized I had to meet doofus as planned. He shows up in a T-shirt, jeans, and a visor, yeah thanks for dressing up for me.. Nice touch. I tell him I got flowers, he actually said, "you're welcome" I nearly came across the table to smack the crap out of him... He said he was glad I got flowers... What kind of response is that?!! Then he says, Valentine's Day "snuck up on him"..... How can that be? Valentine's Day is the most commercialized holiday next to the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ!! Whatever... I was done with this guy.. As we were walking out, he had the audacity to ask if he could stay over at my house, I actually laughed and said I don't think so... That was pretty much the last time I talked to him...
He called a couple of times (I did not answer the phone when he called), including the Saturday after Valentine's Day and asked me to a movie (better yet he left me a voicemail inviting me to a movie)... I never called him back.. so I thought he got the hint that I was done with him... Until today, he actually called and left me another voicemail... He was like, "hey beachgirl, I haven't talked to you in a while, hope you doing well, call me" ...... You would think he would get the hint but I guess he's just a glutten for punishment... I feel sort of bad, but then again I don't. There are guys you break up with and remain friends with, I have quite a few of those, but new fella is not one of those people... Conversation between us was painful, it was like talking to a brick..I can see that now.. It hit me when I was writing my friend in Iraq (the one mentioned above)... I told him that I think he would have been disappointed in me for putting up with new fella's nonsense for as long as I did... I don't have to put up with that kind of crap, no woman has to "put up" with anything....
I would rather be alone for the rest of my life than have to settle for a guy that doesn't make my toes curl, or make my stomach do flips when he calls or just looks at me. I will not settle for less... True love, that's what I want, it's what I deserve, it's what we all deserve... But in God's time, not our own...